Regulations on Cockfighting in the Philippines

Cockfighting, known as “sabong” in the Philippines, has been a long-standing tradition and popular entertainment. However, with its rise in popularity, there have been concerns about excessive gambling and commercial exploitation surrounding this cultural activity. In response to these issues, the Philippine government has implemented Presidential Decree No. 449, which aims to promote and regulate cockfighting while preserving its cultural significance and preventing illegal activities.

Licenses and Permits for Cockfighting Operations at 90Jili Casino

One of the key provisions of Presidential Decree No. 449 is that only Filipino citizens may own and operate cockpits. This means that foreign investors or companies are prohibited from engaging in cockfighting operations in the Philippines. This provision ensures that the profits from cockfighting activities stay within the country and benefit the local economy.

In addition, the decree also limits the number of cockpits in each city or municipality. According to the law, only one cockpit is allowed per city or municipality, except for cities with over 100,000, where two cockpits are permitted. This limitation prevents the oversaturation of cockfighting activities in a particular area and promotes fair competition among operators.

At 90Jili Casino, obtaining a license and permit to operate a cockpit is rigorous. Operators must comply with all the requirements set by the government, including securing necessary permits and licenses from the local government unit and the Games and Amusements Board (GAB). The GAB is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing all forms of gambling in the Philippines, including cockfighting.

Key Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 449

The following are the key provisions of Presidential Decree No. 449 that operators at 90Jili Casino must adhere to:

  • Cockfights are only allowed on Sundays, legal holidays, local fiestas (maximum of three days), and during agricultural or industrial fairs. This provision ensures that cockfighting remains a cultural activity and not just a means for commercial gain.
  • Cockpit locations must comply with zoning laws or ordinances and be away from residential or commercial areas. This provision aims to prevent any disturbance to the community and maintain peace and order.
  • Licensed gaffers, referees, and bet-takers are required to operate the cockpit. These individuals undergo training and certification from the GAB to ensure fair and safe cockfighting activities.
  • Gambling is strictly prohibited on cockpit premises during cockfights. This provision aims to prevent excessive gambling and illegal activities associated with it.
  • Violators of the provisions face imprisonment and fines. The decree imposes a maximum prison term of two years and a fine of 2,000 pesos for organizers and participants in illegal gambling. Violators may face imprisonment or a fine ranging from 600 to 2,000 pesos for other offenses.

Cultural Significance of Cockfighting in Filipino Society

Cockfighting has been deeply ingrained in Filipino culture for centuries. It is considered a form of entertainment, a social event, and a way to showcase bravery and skill. In rural areas, cockfighting is also seen as a source of livelihood for many families. The tradition of cockfighting has been passed down from generation to generation, making it an integral part of Filipino society.

In addition to its cultural significance, cockfighting has economic benefits for the country. According to a study by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, the annual revenue from cockfighting activities in the Philippines ranges from 50 to 100 billion pesos. This revenue contributes to the growth of the local economy, providing job opportunities and boosting tourism in areas where cockfighting is prevalent.

Exceptions to the Regulations

While Presidential Decree No. 449 strictly regulates cockfighting activities, there are exceptions to the rules. Cockfights for the entertainment of tourists, Balikbayan (returning Filipinos), or charitable causes may be allowed with special approval from the GAB. This exception recognizes the cultural significance of cockfighting and allows for its promotion to visitors and charitable purposes.


In conclusion, Presidential Decree No. 449 aims to promote and regulate cockfighting in the Philippines while preserving its cultural significance and preventing illegal activities. The regulations set by the government ensure fair competition among operators and protect the welfare of both the participants and the community. At 90Jili Casino, we adhere to these regulations and strive to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our customers to experience the rich tradition of cockfighting in the Philippines.